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040 – 36 036 217

Anmeldung zur Erstberatung

Was bedrückt Sie? Wie können wir Ihnen und Ihrem Kind helfen? Unsere Erstberatung hilft Ihnen bei allen Fragen zu Sorgerecht, Umgangsrecht, Inobhutnahme oder Gutachten. Wir sind für Sie da.

Bitte nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit der Online Anmeldung, wir können telefonisch keine Erstkontakte entgegennehmen. Die Online Anmeldung ist der schnellste Weg zu einer Beratung.

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We thrive to provide you with the best possible support in your case. Will will answer your questions regarding german family law and international family law, such as: What does „Sorgerecht“ actually imply? How can I react to the german „Jugendamt“ intervening into my family? What legal rights do I have as a foreigner in such situations? How can I get my embassies support? What is the „Düsseldorfer Tabelle“, how do I get the full custody regarding my children?

You can trust in our professional care. Please contact us.

My law firm resides in the „betahaus Hamburg“ where I am supported by my paralegal Daniela Rittgarn. We both speak fluent english and are able to provide help in your native language.

Matthias Bergmann

»Hello, I am Matthias Bergmann«

Born as a the third child of five into a creative and turbulent family of a family court judge and a language teacher I began negotiating at an early stage of my life. Mostly these early conflict resolutions where dealing with conflicts of interest regarding siblings, toys and food. My interest in child custody and family law developed early in my legal education. Meanwhile I also trained as a negotiator and gained thorough experience in real life negotiations. At the end of my professional training I started working at the United Nations, adding several years of international experience to my CV.

Today I work as an independent negotiation trainer and child custody lawyer in Hamburg. In my capacity as a lawyer I work all over Germany. As a negotiation expert my expertise is used by businesses and administrations in Germany, the UK and Norway. The experiences in these two fields of expertise compliment each other in many ways, providing me with invaluable insight into different possible forms of conflict resolution. My focus however is providing comprehensive support to families under pressure in the difficult reality of the german family law.

In my privat life I am trying to explore the world in its full complexity and diversity. I play the cello at the „Junge Symphoniker Hamburg“, keep my own bees and try to explore Hamburg and ist many waterways.

Daniela Rittgarn

»Hello, my name is Daniela Rittgarn«

I grew up in a loving family. However, when I was 16 my parents decided to get a divorce. From that time onwards I lived with my father, while my little sister stayed with my mother. Hence I have my own personal experience of conflicts regarding child custody – both before and after a divorce. As a paralegal i thrive to provide clients and colleagues with the best possible support in finding solutions. Many law firms deal with these cases in an abstract and standardized way. In our law firm this is distinctively different. Individual support is at the heart of our work and I am thrilled to be part of such a dedicated team.

I completed my trainings a paralegal in 2008, having been allowed to graduate early. I then lead the development of the support group of an international patent law firm, being fully responsible for the dedicated international work group of that firm. In my current position I manage Matthias Bergmanns law office and am the point of first contact for our clients.

I am married and have a son. I love to cook, and he is always willing to help. My family and I enjoy the outdoors and when we are not outside I read, sing and try to find enough time for some sports.